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Click on a tab below to access specific links related to various aspects of selling a business:
ESOP: Many sources explaining how to utilize an employee stock option program
Private Equity: Provides details related to selling your business to a private equity group
Business Brokers: Sources to find and use the services of business brokers
Regulations: Many articles and links on regulations related to selling a business
LBOs: Provides links to many resources dealing with leveraged buy out options
Pricing: Provides links with methods to determine the price at which you should sell your business
Taxation: Take a look at the tax procedures and issues that occur during the sale of a business
Finding Buyers: Lists many hints and tips regarding how to find the right buyer for your firm
Documents: Sources with expert tips on the documentation requirements when selling a business
Negotiation: Many links and sources with tips on how to negotiate the sale of a business
Sales Contracts: Provides details related to sales contract law
Steps: Sources to identify the various steps involved when selling a business

Selling a Business

This page contains detailed resources appropriate to selling (harvesting) a business. Explore the resources on this page to start learning more. Links on this page are constantly updated.

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Here are resources

Many sources explaining how to utilize an employee stock option program

Provides details related to selling your business to a private equity group

Sources to find and use the services of business brokers

Many articles and links on regulations related to selling a business

Provides links to many resources dealing with leveraged buy out options

Provides links with methods to determine the price at which you should sell your business

Take a look at the tax procedures and issues that occur during the sale of a business

Lists many hints and tips regarding how to find the right buyer for your firm

Sources with expert tips on the documentation requirements when selling a business

Many links and sources with tips on how to negotiate the sale of a business

Provides details related to sales contract law

Sources to identify the various steps involved when selling a business

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Critical Business Skills Menu

Developing skills across a broad array of business functions is becoming increasingly vital in today's rapidly changing business environment. These links will provide detailed, and constantly updated, resources specific to those that might be most pertinent to the entrepreneur. Please see the categories and links below:

Developed by Dr. Ralph Jagodka© 2024