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Student Insights for Entrepreneur Interviews

Entrepreneur insights and perceptions related to their businesses were obtained through interviews conducted by students. Student insights and reflections regarding the interview process are shown on this page.

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 In all my years living with my father as well as, working with him, I honest never had importunity to sit down with him one on one and ask him all sorts of business question. Either i was always too busy at school or my father was too busy at work. I would have to say that this whole project was meaningful to me, and to my dad too. I always wanted to have a chance to question my father's business like i did with this project. I am always amazed to hear about how a business came about, and how the owner went through many obstacles to be in the position that he or she is at today. Usually I read about entrepreneurs in magazines, but it is always a joy to be right across the person and being able to listen to his or hers' process in be so successful.
Probably the most important section of the project for me was the last question. The advise that my dad gave me was something that I will never forget. Although, my father is a man of short words, they were really powerful. The advise really got to because the guidance that he is giving me, he had applied. Ever since he started his business my father exercised every word he told me. Even until this day, he stands by those word. This is why i admire my father, and his significant words.
Date Submitted: 2010-04-08 10:21:35

Working on this project was very meaningful to me because of the fact that the owner of this business is one of my closest cousins to me. I have personally watched her build her business one step at a time and have seen it in a time of prosperity and also a time of struggle. I have also had many instances where I have assisted her in maintaining her store. Whether if it was helping with inventory, choosing the products to be sold, to even modeling the different styles made for men for her advertisements; I have had a hand in the creation of the business.

This interview I did with Jaime had given me more insight to what she has had to deal with on her own and also a little education to how she handles her business in today's struggling economy. I am a bit more understanding to her profitability of her products and the way a Vintage Store is ran. I just hope that the information she has kindly provided will help others seeking to open up their own store in the future.
Date Submitted: 2010-04-08 13:09:49

I found many things meaningful through this project, mainly because I was interviewing my dad. I have worked with him before, but i have never really paid attention on how he ran the buisness. I have always seen him deal with his clientel and he has always treated them as friends, but that is one of the reasons that keeps them coming back the trust that he has built with his customers is something that can be built with good charecter and time. I also learned what his true opinions are on his own buisness, something that I have never asked before. Along with how he handles his buisness and his employees.

I also realized that their is more than meets the eye when it comes to running a buisness. And I do not see myself taking over the buisness myself. Due to the fact that I do not find that work satisfying or enjoy it all. I one day would like to own my own buisness but in what I am not sure yet, but through this interview I realized that I do not want to enter the furniture buisness. As well as seeing the pros and cons to owning a buisness where revealed to me such as competition and bad employees. These will help me in my future descion to open my own buisness. Those where the most meaningful things that i got out of this project.  
Date Submitted: 2010-04-08 13:17:31

     The most meaningful part of this interview was his advice on saving money for a future business so that I will not let the opportunity pass me by. In life, you do not usually get many chances of opportunity.  I want to make sure that I am aware and ready for my opportunity financially when it comes.  I am going to school in order to be educated in business so that I can take that knowledge and use it to be successful.  His advice requires responsibility, which is one of the many important traits of an entrepreneur.
     Overall, the interview was very educational because I learned a lot.  It also brought a closer bond between my dad and I.  Now I see his perspective on life and why he is the way he is.  Learning what he went through and how hard-working he is makes me appreciate him so much more.  His story was very inspiring to me and it motivated me to work hard and become successful.  


Date Submitted: 2010-04-08 13:21:15

        Doing this project helped me better understand the importance of owning a business. All the preparation that should be done before opening a business is crucial if you want to be successful. All the work you put in will pay off in the long run. While doing this interview I learned that there is nothing standing in my way as long as I know what I want for my business. If I set goals and high standards for myself and my business I know I will be a successful entrepreneur.
What was meaningful about doing this project was being able to interview the person I interviewed. He was my high school band director so I’ve known him for over four years. I never asked what made him start a business of his own when he has a whole different career, which is teaching. Doing this project made me see a different side of him. He made me realize that if you have a dream, you should go forward and pursue it. He also taught me that with hard work anything is possible. Before our interview was over he said this, “Dream big and reach for the stars. If you fall short of the farthest/highest star, you might fall on the one right below it. Nothing is impossible. You just have to find another way to get there. Be creative and persistent!” His advice is very inspiring and I will always remember it.
Date Submitted: 2010-04-08 13:48:52

I found very important doing this interview because it gave me a clear idea and knowledge on how to start a business in the right way, also with the advice of an entrepeneur will help me on how to make my business sucessful and profitable.

No matter the current economy situation we are facing there are many opportunities on establish a business,the most important is your dedication and time you spend on your business.
Date Submitted: 2010-04-08 15:29:57

I am going to be taking away a few things from this interview I have had for this project.  One being the importance and vitality of using the internet to help one start up a small business.  Internet sites like the mentioned and must be utilized to help your business survive and thrive in the most competitive world today.  I have explored, it provides business entrepreneur emails to ask them any questions, much like one of the sites you provided during the beginning of this class. does much the same thing, but questions are left out of the privacy of e-mails.  This site lets you search previous questions that were asked and answers of all professionals that responded to the questions.

The other most important take away from this project is the necessity for a business to have start up money.  Now this business I have interviewed has looked forward to the future and possible debts they might encounter.  The interviewee wrote that it is not a good idea to go through a finance company or bank, no doubt due to building and rising interest rates through the years.  She suggested to find a trusted silent partner to provide the start up money for the business.  It sounds to me that the business I did my project on already had some of the equipment needed to start up.  It sounds to me like they pulled all their money and resources to start up rather than going to a bank or finance company.  This is a very appealing way to think about starting a small business, no debt, no interest, no worries.  Going in with a silent partner has its advantages, that in my opinion far out weigh they alternative.
Date Submitted: 2010-04-08 16:06:38

I found this project interesting, some of the answers were unexpected. I didn't expect trade shows and referrals to be so important to her business. Certain things like taking business classes being something a business owner wishes they did isn't that surprising. A lot of the advice I think can be applied very generally to most businesses. Computer assisted design has become a standard in every architect, engineer and designers tool box. The design theater of business feels to me like the image and reputation of the business is very important in differentiating ones self from competitors.

I think what was most meaningful to me was finding a contact that I can always go back to for advice on business. One that is particularly focused on design, image and referral. Advice I think could be put into good use if I ever had a business I needed to differentiate from competitors. Another thing that was stressed to me was the importance of a business plan, goals built around it and financing sought through it. Its one of those things that can make life easier and will contribute to the success of the business.
Date Submitted: 2010-04-08 17:24:53

   This project was a great idea, I enjoyed everything about it and I gained a better understanding of how to go about opening a business. I truly appreciated her advice and made me consider a beauty shop as a future business, since my mom is a hairstylist herself and my dad is always up for a new challenge. Before this project I though it would be easy but a small challenge now I have opened my eyes and to new ideas. I think it was a great help and an amazing experience before starting a business. It is something that I would recommend anyone interested in starting a small business to look into before going about the beginning stages of opening that business.

    Overall, my experience was more of a gain than just a project, I learned a lot and it was a hands on experience which makes the understanding of the subject more interesting and beyond the textbook itself. Because of the networking and taking an initiative to actually deciding in who to interview is just more satisfying than sitting inside the classroom and having group work and trying to figure out the material. Also because this project is something that can open networking doors, I will continue to network and apply it to other business that I might also be interested in.
Date Submitted: 2010-04-08 17:26:01

   The thing that was most meaningful to me about this project was how you may have a really good business and it might go good for a while but if the ecomony falls, so can your business. The man I interviewed gave me really good advice. I have to learn all about the business I want to be in, I have to make sure to look at the trends in my business market place. I think everything he told me in this interview helped me to better understand how a business works. It definitely is not easy, especially if the economy is bad. I should know every aspect of the business I want to start. This interview really gave me a new look towards starting a business and a lot of helpful tips.
Date Submitted: 2010-04-08 18:09:18

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