Student Insights for Entrepreneur Interviews
Entrepreneur insights and perceptions related to their businesses were obtained through interviews conducted by students. Student insights and reflections regarding the interview process are shown on this page.
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The most meaningful part of this project was being able to interview these people. I have known them for a very long time and to be able to get a better look at what has made them successful was a privilege. i enjoyed every aspect of this project. I am glad I got to ask so many questions and have the opportunity to learn so much about a business I did not know anything about. My favorite part was learning their insight on the new technologies being developed. The idea of having an entire solar system running every sprinkler to 1200 trees is amazing to me. Overall I think this was a great project and has definitely helped me realize how much goes into owning a business. |
Date Submitted: 2015-10-21 17:52:02 |
The most meaningful part of this project to me was the challenges that are faced by an owner of a welding business. Welding is hard work and often in unpleasant conditions. Welders were once paid well, valued, and admired in the construction trade for their skills. However, with the influx of cheap labor welding wages have been driven all the way down to minimum wage. It is hard to compete with prices that are that much lower. Many costumers do not understand or the value of quality craftsmanship and only see what the price is on paper. There are so many taxes and regulations to worry about it is overwhelming Every city you do a job in wants you to have a city business license it’s just impractical to have to get all of those licenses every time you get a job. Overall this project has inspired me to continue to work toured my goal of owning a small business, even though I know it will be extremely difficult some days. I see now how many different kinds of obstacles I will have to face when I have my own small business. I agree that high quality work, competitive prices, and strict deadlines are all things that I must do and do well in order to survive and thrive in my business. Quality work is very meaningful to me because when I go to purchase a product the quality is my number one concern. I would rather buy one high quality product then I would three inferior items for the same price. I always check to see if a price is competitive because everyone wants to get a fair deal. I always want my projects done on time as does everyone else. |
Date Submitted: 2015-10-21 20:14:15 |
The most meaningful part of this project was doing the interview. Having a business conversation with a person who is taking a great risk to help his business grow was one of the most memorable things I have done the entire semester. Talking to [Name Removed] helped realized that owning your own business is more than just making money. You have to pour your heart and soul into your everyday tasks. You have to develop relationships with your employees and your competitors. Owning your business is about supporting everyone that is part of the industry. During this interview I learned that business owners are just regular people. They are do not have any special power or any secrets. They are willing to help their competitors stay in business for the support of the industry. This was the most meaningful part of the project because I used to think that business owners were just looking out for themselves. I used to think that owning your business was about destroying your competition. Although some of this is true for large corporations, small business owner do not like their competitors or clients to go out of business. They are willing to merge and create a larger company if this means saving the industry. They are also willing to help young entrepreneurs by giving them advise on how to obtain experience and what resources to use. Being a small business owner does not necessarily mean that you to have a small number of sales. It means that you have to work with what you are given and create the most in order to help your business grow. |
Date Submitted: 2015-10-21 20:56:24 |
The most meaning about this project was that I was able to interview someone I am close to. I got to grow a strong bond with this person by being able to learn more about him, and his company. He was able to give me advice and stories about things I didn’t know before, and that was amazing that he was able to share that with me. His advice truly was an eye opener for me, and it has really made me focus on my studies more. I hope to one day open a clothing boutique on my own, so I’m glad that I have someone I can count on to help me through it. His advice made me want to expand my knowledge not just in fashion, but in business, and marketing as well. I truly enjoyed doing this project because I would have never thought about interviewing this person before to gain more knowledge about what is it is to run a business. Even though a construction company is different from opening a clothing boutique I still have learned a better understanding about running a business, and it is definitely not easy. Everything about this project was meaningful to me because I learned a lot, and got great advice. Taking the right courses in school, and doing whatever it takes to advance your knowledge is really important. I’m glad this project was part of this course. |
Date Submitted: 2015-10-21 21:18:12 |
One of the most meaningful things to me about this project was all of the dedication that one puts in a start up business. I have learned that business involves a lot of research and preparation. It has become true to me that going to seminars and asking for advice are key to starting a business. The knowledge from other experienced entrepreneurs is really one of the main sources you need. I have also learned that creating a business does not make you successful, but having a successful business does. Once you have a business, there is a struggle to keep it up. Marketing has always been meaningful to me in the sense that your business will go nowhere is no one know about it. If there is one advice that I have constantly heard it’s that you should always try to make connections to get yourself known. It was also meaningful to be able to interview an entrepreneur for myself. Considering that insight from experienced entrepreneurs through seminars is costly, it was a great experience to ask any additional questions personally. This project allowed me to become more knowledge and interested in becoming an entrepreneur in the future. The story of the entrepreneur I interviewed about his reason why he started his business inspires me to want to help other people. It makes me realize that the reason people start businesses are not just for the money, but because of an idea of wanting to truly help other people. This sense of compassion is most meaningful to me. |
Date Submitted: 2015-10-21 21:31:56 |
The project has been meaningful to me in its entirety, since it was a great experience interviewing an actual entrepreneur. He allowed me to visit his office and took the time to explain in detail some of his experiences. Through him I have learned that a successful business requires discipline, hard work, and good customer skills. Discipline because often times other activities must be put on the back burner in order to run the business and make money. Hard work because during tax season he prepares about 500 tax returns all by himself. Good customer service because each year he gets returning customers and new customers. Another reason that this was meaningful to is that I have known my tax preparer guy for about eight years and we have dated for about one year and a half. I knew about his business but was never involved in it. I never expected to ever have to interview him in detail. Through this interview I have grown in the area of business knowledge and in my relationship with my boyfriend. He has offered to continue helping me in starting my own business with his advice and mentorship. |
Date Submitted: 2015-10-21 21:45:33 |
Starting a business isn't easy and being an entrepreneur takes guts because it is very high risk. There are many people that have an idea for a business, but few actually take action. The most meaningful thing to me about this project was that i was not only able to interview a small business i got to interview a small business that i work for and have admired. I have worked for this business for over six months now and have seen it expand. It feels great to be apart of a successful business especially when you too want to open a business very similar. Working at this clothing store allows me to see how much hard work and time actually goes into a successful business. I am allowed to make mistakes and learn from them. This interview taught me to be very cautious when making lease deals they can come back to haunt you in the future. In order to thrive in your business you need to know who your target customers are because after all without them you wouldn't have a business. However the main thing that stuck with me was the advice that was given to me as a young entrepreneur. The advice was to get experience where you can. Experience in the same field helps exponentially because it is preparing you for the real thing and allowing you to make mistakes without it effecting your business. Also get advice from other business owners was great advice because you will learn the most from someone who experienced it first hand within their business. In conclusion, starting a business isn't easy and in order to be successful you need to make sure it is something you are really passionate about. |
Date Submitted: 2015-10-21 22:00:49 |
I believe that this project has made me become more aware what I need to do and shouldn't do when opening a business. It just makes me more motivated to become a business owner of my own. Even though, I might not open a trophy shop doesn't mean I didn't learn anything from this interview. The things I learned in class are some things that the interview suggest of doing or what he struggled in. It wants me to take more business classes so I can learn more and be more prepared when I am ready to start my business. I must overcome my fear of numbers and math because if I do not then I will put my future business into jeopardy. Not many business orders will take time away from their busy schedule to meet a student doing a business project, so I am extremely grateful for this opportunity. Overall, this project is a friendly reminder if you put your heart into it anything is possible and that no one is prefect and we make mistakes, but learn from them and grow your business from those good and bad experience to become a better business owner. |
Date Submitted: 2015-10-21 22:24:03 |
What was the most meaningful to you about this project? Why? I think the most meaningful thing I got from this project is why my dad chooses to get an auto repair shop. I think I would do the same thing, because I wouldn’t want to be older and not have anything to do and be bored. Also I would like to be the boss and not work for someone else because its not that I don’t like working for someone else its just I want to make the rules and do what has to be down by myself. I want to be able to run my own business and have something to show for all my hard work. Then my family wont have to struggle or my kids and hopefully they pass it down. Second thing that was the most meaningfully is to just be honest with you customers. You see so many times people being charged a lot of money and when you look at how much things actually cost its such a rip off for the customer. I think if I was to have good price and honest my business would grow. I know if I were a customer I would want the business to be honest with me. Honesty keeps people coming back they start liking your store or whatever you decide to open up. I found this whole interview meaningful not just certain parts because it got me motivated to think about a business I would like to open and run. I would take all aspect of this project to motivate me to get something done and make money and prepare so you may know what to do in certain situations. If you want something you shouldn’t give up on it. |
Date Submitted: 2015-10-21 22:54:28 |
From this project the most meaningful part was interviewing someone that had their own business. The reason why that was the most meaningful part is because I got to know more about managing a business from someone new and that had experience. The other reason why is because I got to know the person and her background. The stories I got to learn about the person I interviewed were interesting knowing what she went through to make her dream come true in opening her own business. Also it was a new experience I had never had before. What made it so meaningful was that I had never interviewed anyone before so it felt weird but it took me out of my comfort zone. This project was something that I had never done before which I liked since it came with lots of new experiences. The interview being my favorite part wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be. I had a great time listening to the person I interviewed. Listening to her answers helped me understand that opening a business is way harder then I thought. Learning from what she told me I learned that I should really think twice about when to open a business there's so much that needs to be done before and after. Therefore those are my reasons why the interview were the most meaningful part of this project for me. |
Date Submitted: 2015-10-21 23:46:03 |
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