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Industrial Design Engineering Careers and Jobs

Select, Find and Prepare for Industrial Design Engineering Careers and Jobs - all on one page

4 Steps to Use This Page: 1-Explore Careers of Intrerest 2-See Job Listings Matched to Career 3-Prepare for the Career 4-See External Career Resources

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This page will take you through 4 steps to (1) Select from Industrial Design Engineering careers/jobs, (2) Find Industrial Design Engineering job listings, (3) Prepare for Industrial Design Engineering careers, and (4) Provide Industrial Design Engineering career-specific resources.

Step 1: Select a Career/Job: This page starts with 4 ways for you to identify and select from listings of Industrial Design Engineering careers/jobs:
A) Fastest Growing Industrial Design Engineering Careers - 2023 to 2033 (est.)
These listings are based on job growth estimates and helps you to identify the fastest growing and evolving Industrial Design Engineering careers. Some careers may not initially seem related to Industrial Design Engineering, so relevant Industrial Design Engineering jobs are listed alongside each listing. This can also help us to identify which careers (bottom of the listing) may have negative growth - perhaps due to automation or planned obsolescence.
B) Median Annual Salary U.S. Industrial Design Engineering Careers
These listings are sorted (descending) by median annual salary in the U.S. This may help us to identify our ideal career. We may not qualify at this time for the desired career, but this listing and the results provided can help us to explore job details, as well as learn how to appropriately prepare for the career.
C) Industrial Design Engineering Career Ladders (Educational Requirements)
These listings will help us to identify Industrial Design Engineering careers sorted by educational requirements (with the most difficult to obtain listed first). This may help us to identify career ladders (as we scroll down the list), and help us to get jobs that we qualify for now.
D) Select From a Listing of 41 Industrial Design Engineering Jobs.
The list may be quite long. There are two ways you might like to use this list:
1) Filter - As you enter a word, you will filter (limit) the list of job titles
2) Browse the list (Don't Filter) - You can simply explore the list of job titles. There may be many that you might never have considered to be of interest.
Once you have identified a job title of interest, simply click on it.

Step 2: Find a Job: After you have selected a career/job title above, you will see current job listings. You can change the location, distance from location and recency as desired. Each of the listings will link to a current job opening.

Step 3: Prepare For a Career: In this section you will gain access to detailed information to help you prepare for the chosen career. Information may include (not every career choice includes all of the elements below - updates occur quarterly):
Core and Supplemental Duties: Lists the worker-related tasks performed
General and Specific Work Activities: Summarizes the broad and more specific types of behaviors related to the career
Knowledge Required: Provides the requirements regarding the acquisition of facts and principles
Skills Required: Provides basic skills and cross-functional skills needed
Preparation Required: Provides a summary of the required experience and education
Educational Requirements: Detailed breakdown of the education required
Work Experience Required: Detailed breakdown of the prior work experience required
Local Salary Information: Provides national and local salary ranges
Certifications: Provides appropriate government and private-sector certifications and/or credentials that may be required
Professional Associations: Provides professional associations that are related to the career selected
Job Listings: Provides links to active current job listings for the selected career, along with multiple similar job titles to explore. All details appear on this page
Related Careers to Consider: Lists up to 20 careers that might be of interest to you (related to your initial choice - what they do, what they know, and what they're called), ranked by best fit.

** If you clicked on a link from section D (as described in Step 1 above), you will see one or more links to an occupation that is usually a bit more general than your initial job selection - the link(s) is directly related to the specific job you identified through your prior selections.
*NOTE: It is possible that there may not be a career path identified for the specific job you selected in Step 1. If this is the case, scroll up the page and click on a different career/job.

Step 4: Career-Specific Resources (detailed and constantly updated): Continue to scroll down the page and you will find tabs that provide detailed (updated) links specific to the career you selected. This information includes:
Videos: Provides a listing of video links related to this career. A great way to get a quick overview of the occupation.
Resumes: Sources for resume materials and techniques. This can help to get you started.
Job Description: Sources that provide job descriptions, which are vital to resume and interview preparation.
Interviews: Provides links that can help you to prepare for and successfully complete the job interview. Can also assist with coffee chats.
Step by Step: Provides links to resources that can help to organize the career search process.
LinkedIn: One of the best professional social media sites that provides links, opportunities, and networking specifically for careers and career development.

Step 1 of 4: Select a Career/Job

13 Industrial Design Engineering careers are listed below (sorted by Percentage Change in Total Job Openings - 2023 to 2033 est.). Industrial Design Engineering-related jobs specific to each career are also provided. This shows which careers are emerging and growing the fastest. Please Scroll and Select below:

Occupations U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033 (% change) Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs

Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Programmers 27.4% CAD CAM Programmer (Computer-Aided Design Computer-Aided Manufacturing Programmer)
Occupation: Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Programmers U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 27.4% Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: CAD CAM Programmer (Computer-Aided Design Computer-Aided Manufacturing Programmer)
Camera and Photographic Equipment Repairers 8% Camera Prototyping Engineer
Occupation: Camera and Photographic Equipment Repairers U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 8% Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Camera Prototyping Engineer
Commercial and Industrial Designers 5.6% Industrial Designer; Product Design Engineer; Product Designer; UI Product Designer (User Interface Product Designer); UX Product Designer (User Experience Product Designer)
Occupation: Commercial and Industrial Designers U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 5.6% Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Industrial Designer; Product Design Engineer; Product Designer; UI Product Designer (User Interface Product Designer); UX Product Designer (User Experience Product Designer)
Industrial Engineering Technologists and Technicians 4.4% CAD Specialist (Computer Aided Design Specialist)
Occupation: Industrial Engineering Technologists and Technicians U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 4.4% Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: CAD Specialist (Computer Aided Design Specialist)
Architectural and Engineering Managers 4.1% Prototype Engineer Manager
Occupation: Architectural and Engineering Managers U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 4.1% Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Prototype Engineer Manager
Surveying and Mapping Technicians 3.7% CAD Technician (Computer Aided Design Technician); Survey CAD Technician (Survey Computer-Aided Design Technician)
Occupation: Surveying and Mapping Technicians U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 3.7% Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: CAD Technician (Computer Aided Design Technician); Survey CAD Technician (Survey Computer-Aided Design Technician)
Electrical and Electronics Drafters 2.3% AutoCAD Drafter; AutoCAD Technician; CAD Drafter (Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); Computer-Aided Design Designer (CAD Designer); Computer-Aided Design Technician (CAD Tech)
Occupation: Electrical and Electronics Drafters U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 2.3% Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: AutoCAD Drafter; AutoCAD Technician; CAD Drafter (Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); Computer-Aided Design Designer (CAD Designer); Computer-Aided Design Technician (CAD Tech)
Carpenters 2.1% Prototype Carpenter
Occupation: Carpenters U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 2.1% Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Prototype Carpenter
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians 1.6% Prototyper
Occupation: Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 1.6% Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Prototyper
Architectural and Civil Drafters -0.9% Architectural CAD Drafter (Architectural Computer-Aided Design Drafter); Architectural Computer-Aided Design Technician (Architectural CAD Technician); AutoCAD Designer (Auto Computer-Aided Design Designer); AutoCAD Drafter (Auto Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Designer (Computer Aided Design Designer); CAD Drafter (Computer Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); CAD Draughter (Computer Aided Design Draughter); Civil CAD Designer (Civil Computer-Aided Design Designer); Computer-Aided Design Designer (CAD Designer); Computer-Aided Design Drafter (CAD Drafter); Computer-Aided Design Operator (CAD Operator); Computer-Aided Design Technician (CAD Technician); Computer-Aided Drafting Designer (CAD Designer)
Occupation: Architectural and Civil Drafters U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: -0.9% Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Architectural CAD Drafter (Architectural Computer-Aided Design Drafter); Architectural Computer-Aided Design Technician (Architectural CAD Technician); AutoCAD Designer (Auto Computer-Aided Design Designer); AutoCAD Drafter (Auto Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Designer (Computer Aided Design Designer); CAD Drafter (Computer Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); CAD Draughter (Computer Aided Design Draughter); Civil CAD Designer (Civil Computer-Aided Design Designer); Computer-Aided Design Designer (CAD Designer); Computer-Aided Design Drafter (CAD Drafter); Computer-Aided Design Operator (CAD Operator); Computer-Aided Design Technician (CAD Technician); Computer-Aided Drafting Designer (CAD Designer)
Mechanical Drafters -4.7% AutoCAD Designer; AutoCAD Drafter; AutoCAD Technician; CAD Designer (Computer Aided Design Designer); CAD Designer (Computer-Aided Design Designer); CAD Drafter (Computer Aided Design Drafter); CAD Drafter (Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); CAD Draughter (Computer Aided Design Draughter); CAD Operator (Computer Aided Design Operator); CAD Operator (Computer-Aided Design Operator); CAD Technician (Computer Aided Design Technician); Product Designer
Occupation: Mechanical Drafters U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: -4.7% Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: AutoCAD Designer; AutoCAD Drafter; AutoCAD Technician; CAD Designer (Computer Aided Design Designer); CAD Designer (Computer-Aided Design Designer); CAD Drafter (Computer Aided Design Drafter); CAD Drafter (Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); CAD Draughter (Computer Aided Design Draughter); CAD Operator (Computer Aided Design Operator); CAD Operator (Computer-Aided Design Operator); CAD Technician (Computer Aided Design Technician); Product Designer
Model Makers, Metal and Plastic -4.9% Prototype Fabricator; Prototype Model Maker; Prototype Special Build; Prototyper; Welding Prototype Operator
Occupation: Model Makers, Metal and Plastic U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: -4.9% Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Prototype Fabricator; Prototype Model Maker; Prototype Special Build; Prototyper; Welding Prototype Operator
Sewing Machine Operators -14% Prototype Sewer
Occupation: Sewing Machine Operators U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: -14% Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Prototype Sewer

14 Industrial Design Engineering careers are listed below (sorted by U.S. National Median Salary). Industrial Design Engineering-related jobs specific to each occupation are also provided. Please Scroll and Select below::

Occupations National Median Salary Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs

Architectural and Engineering Managers $ 165,370 Prototype Engineer Manager
Occupation: Architectural and Engineering Managers National Median Salary: $ 165,370 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Prototype Engineer Manager
Microsystems Engineers $ 111,970 Product Design Engineer
Occupation: Microsystems Engineers National Median Salary: $ 111,970 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Product Design Engineer
Commercial and Industrial Designers $ 76,250 Industrial Designer; Product Design Engineer; Product Designer; UI Product Designer (User Interface Product Designer); UX Product Designer (User Experience Product Designer)
Occupation: Commercial and Industrial Designers National Median Salary: $ 76,250 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Industrial Designer; Product Design Engineer; Product Designer; UI Product Designer (User Interface Product Designer); UX Product Designer (User Experience Product Designer)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians $ 72,800 Prototyper
Occupation: Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians National Median Salary: $ 72,800 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Prototyper
Electrical and Electronics Drafters $ 69,260 AutoCAD Drafter; AutoCAD Technician; CAD Drafter (Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); Computer-Aided Design Designer (CAD Designer); Computer-Aided Design Technician (CAD Tech)
Occupation: Electrical and Electronics Drafters National Median Salary: $ 69,260 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: AutoCAD Drafter; AutoCAD Technician; CAD Drafter (Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); Computer-Aided Design Designer (CAD Designer); Computer-Aided Design Technician (CAD Tech)
Model Makers, Metal and Plastic $ 64,190 Prototype Fabricator; Prototype Model Maker; Prototype Special Build; Prototyper; Welding Prototype Operator
Occupation: Model Makers, Metal and Plastic National Median Salary: $ 64,190 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Prototype Fabricator; Prototype Model Maker; Prototype Special Build; Prototyper; Welding Prototype Operator
Mechanical Drafters $ 64,060 AutoCAD Designer; AutoCAD Drafter; AutoCAD Technician; CAD Designer (Computer Aided Design Designer); CAD Designer (Computer-Aided Design Designer); CAD Drafter (Computer Aided Design Drafter); CAD Drafter (Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); CAD Draughter (Computer Aided Design Draughter); CAD Operator (Computer Aided Design Operator); CAD Operator (Computer-Aided Design Operator); CAD Technician (Computer Aided Design Technician); Product Designer
Occupation: Mechanical Drafters National Median Salary: $ 64,060 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: AutoCAD Designer; AutoCAD Drafter; AutoCAD Technician; CAD Designer (Computer Aided Design Designer); CAD Designer (Computer-Aided Design Designer); CAD Drafter (Computer Aided Design Drafter); CAD Drafter (Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); CAD Draughter (Computer Aided Design Draughter); CAD Operator (Computer Aided Design Operator); CAD Operator (Computer-Aided Design Operator); CAD Technician (Computer Aided Design Technician); Product Designer
Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Programmers $ 63,440 CAD CAM Programmer (Computer-Aided Design Computer-Aided Manufacturing Programmer)
Occupation: Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Programmers National Median Salary: $ 63,440 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: CAD CAM Programmer (Computer-Aided Design Computer-Aided Manufacturing Programmer)
Industrial Engineering Technologists and Technicians $ 62,610 CAD Specialist (Computer Aided Design Specialist)
Occupation: Industrial Engineering Technologists and Technicians National Median Salary: $ 62,610 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: CAD Specialist (Computer Aided Design Specialist)
Architectural and Civil Drafters $ 61,820 Architectural CAD Drafter (Architectural Computer-Aided Design Drafter); Architectural Computer-Aided Design Technician (Architectural CAD Technician); AutoCAD Designer (Auto Computer-Aided Design Designer); AutoCAD Drafter (Auto Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Designer (Computer Aided Design Designer); CAD Drafter (Computer Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); CAD Draughter (Computer Aided Design Draughter); Civil CAD Designer (Civil Computer-Aided Design Designer); Computer-Aided Design Designer (CAD Designer); Computer-Aided Design Drafter (CAD Drafter); Computer-Aided Design Operator (CAD Operator); Computer-Aided Design Technician (CAD Technician); Computer-Aided Drafting Designer (CAD Designer)
Occupation: Architectural and Civil Drafters National Median Salary: $ 61,820 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Architectural CAD Drafter (Architectural Computer-Aided Design Drafter); Architectural Computer-Aided Design Technician (Architectural CAD Technician); AutoCAD Designer (Auto Computer-Aided Design Designer); AutoCAD Drafter (Auto Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Designer (Computer Aided Design Designer); CAD Drafter (Computer Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); CAD Draughter (Computer Aided Design Draughter); Civil CAD Designer (Civil Computer-Aided Design Designer); Computer-Aided Design Designer (CAD Designer); Computer-Aided Design Drafter (CAD Drafter); Computer-Aided Design Operator (CAD Operator); Computer-Aided Design Technician (CAD Technician); Computer-Aided Drafting Designer (CAD Designer)
Carpenters $ 56,350 Prototype Carpenter
Occupation: Carpenters National Median Salary: $ 56,350 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Prototype Carpenter
Surveying and Mapping Technicians $ 48,940 CAD Technician (Computer Aided Design Technician); Survey CAD Technician (Survey Computer-Aided Design Technician)
Occupation: Surveying and Mapping Technicians National Median Salary: $ 48,940 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: CAD Technician (Computer Aided Design Technician); Survey CAD Technician (Survey Computer-Aided Design Technician)
Camera and Photographic Equipment Repairers $ 46,850 Camera Prototyping Engineer
Occupation: Camera and Photographic Equipment Repairers National Median Salary: $ 46,850 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Camera Prototyping Engineer
Sewing Machine Operators $ 34,440 Prototype Sewer
Occupation: Sewing Machine Operators National Median Salary: $ 34,440 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Prototype Sewer

15 Industrial Design Engineering careers are listed (sorted by Education/Preparation Requirements - descending) to provide career ladders. Industrial Design Engineering-related jobs specific to each career are also provided.

Education/Preparation Categories:
5 = Usually requires graduate school (e.g., Master's degree, Ph.D., M.D., or J.D.)
4 = Usually requires a four-year Bachelor's degree
3 = Usually requires vocational training, related on-the-job experience, or Associate's degree
2 = Usually requires a high school diploma
1 = May require a high school diploma or GED certificate
Please Scroll and Select below:
Occupations Education/Preparation Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs

Architectural and Engineering Managers 5 Prototype Engineer Manager
Occupation: Architectural and Engineering Managers Education/Preparation: 5 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Prototype Engineer Manager
Microsystems Engineers 5 Product Design Engineer
Occupation: Microsystems Engineers Education/Preparation: 5 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Product Design Engineer
Commercial and Industrial Designers 4 Industrial Designer; Product Design Engineer; Product Designer; UI Product Designer (User Interface Product Designer); UX Product Designer (User Experience Product Designer)
Occupation: Commercial and Industrial Designers Education/Preparation: 4 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Industrial Designer; Product Design Engineer; Product Designer; UI Product Designer (User Interface Product Designer); UX Product Designer (User Experience Product Designer)
Architectural and Civil Drafters 3 Architectural CAD Drafter (Architectural Computer-Aided Design Drafter); Architectural Computer-Aided Design Technician (Architectural CAD Technician); AutoCAD Designer (Auto Computer-Aided Design Designer); AutoCAD Drafter (Auto Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Designer (Computer Aided Design Designer); CAD Drafter (Computer Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); CAD Draughter (Computer Aided Design Draughter); Civil CAD Designer (Civil Computer-Aided Design Designer); Computer-Aided Design Designer (CAD Designer); Computer-Aided Design Drafter (CAD Drafter); Computer-Aided Design Operator (CAD Operator); Computer-Aided Design Technician (CAD Technician); Computer-Aided Drafting Designer (CAD Designer)
Occupation: Architectural and Civil Drafters Education/Preparation: 3 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Architectural CAD Drafter (Architectural Computer-Aided Design Drafter); Architectural Computer-Aided Design Technician (Architectural CAD Technician); AutoCAD Designer (Auto Computer-Aided Design Designer); AutoCAD Drafter (Auto Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Designer (Computer Aided Design Designer); CAD Drafter (Computer Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); CAD Draughter (Computer Aided Design Draughter); Civil CAD Designer (Civil Computer-Aided Design Designer); Computer-Aided Design Designer (CAD Designer); Computer-Aided Design Drafter (CAD Drafter); Computer-Aided Design Operator (CAD Operator); Computer-Aided Design Technician (CAD Technician); Computer-Aided Drafting Designer (CAD Designer)
Camera and Photographic Equipment Repairers 3 Camera Prototyping Engineer
Occupation: Camera and Photographic Equipment Repairers Education/Preparation: 3 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Camera Prototyping Engineer
Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Programmers 3 CAD CAM Programmer (Computer-Aided Design Computer-Aided Manufacturing Programmer)
Occupation: Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Programmers Education/Preparation: 3 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: CAD CAM Programmer (Computer-Aided Design Computer-Aided Manufacturing Programmer)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians 3 Prototyper
Occupation: Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians Education/Preparation: 3 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Prototyper
Electrical and Electronics Drafters 3 AutoCAD Drafter; AutoCAD Technician; CAD Drafter (Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); Computer-Aided Design Designer (CAD Designer); Computer-Aided Design Technician (CAD Tech)
Occupation: Electrical and Electronics Drafters Education/Preparation: 3 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: AutoCAD Drafter; AutoCAD Technician; CAD Drafter (Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); Computer-Aided Design Designer (CAD Designer); Computer-Aided Design Technician (CAD Tech)
Industrial Engineering Technologists and Technicians 3 CAD Specialist (Computer Aided Design Specialist)
Occupation: Industrial Engineering Technologists and Technicians Education/Preparation: 3 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: CAD Specialist (Computer Aided Design Specialist)
Mechanical Drafters 3 AutoCAD Designer; AutoCAD Drafter; AutoCAD Technician; CAD Designer (Computer Aided Design Designer); CAD Designer (Computer-Aided Design Designer); CAD Drafter (Computer Aided Design Drafter); CAD Drafter (Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); CAD Draughter (Computer Aided Design Draughter); CAD Operator (Computer Aided Design Operator); CAD Operator (Computer-Aided Design Operator); CAD Technician (Computer Aided Design Technician); Product Designer
Occupation: Mechanical Drafters Education/Preparation: 3 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: AutoCAD Designer; AutoCAD Drafter; AutoCAD Technician; CAD Designer (Computer Aided Design Designer); CAD Designer (Computer-Aided Design Designer); CAD Drafter (Computer Aided Design Drafter); CAD Drafter (Computer-Aided Design Drafter); CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman); CAD Draughter (Computer Aided Design Draughter); CAD Operator (Computer Aided Design Operator); CAD Operator (Computer-Aided Design Operator); CAD Technician (Computer Aided Design Technician); Product Designer
Model Makers, Metal and Plastic 3 Prototype Fabricator; Prototype Model Maker; Prototype Special Build; Prototyper; Welding Prototype Operator
Occupation: Model Makers, Metal and Plastic Education/Preparation: 3 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Prototype Fabricator; Prototype Model Maker; Prototype Special Build; Prototyper; Welding Prototype Operator
Surveying and Mapping Technicians 3 CAD Technician (Computer Aided Design Technician); Survey CAD Technician (Survey Computer-Aided Design Technician)
Occupation: Surveying and Mapping Technicians Education/Preparation: 3 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: CAD Technician (Computer Aided Design Technician); Survey CAD Technician (Survey Computer-Aided Design Technician)
Carpenters 2 Prototype Carpenter
Occupation: Carpenters Education/Preparation: 2 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Prototype Carpenter
Electrical and Electronic Equipment Assemblers 2 Prototype Deicer Assembler
Occupation: Electrical and Electronic Equipment Assemblers Education/Preparation: 2 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Prototype Deicer Assembler
Sewing Machine Operators 1 Prototype Sewer
Occupation: Sewing Machine Operators Education/Preparation: 1 Industrial Design Engineering-Related Jobs: Prototype Sewer

Scroll through the picklist (below). There are 41 specific Industrial Design Engineering job titles listed. Select those that may be of interest - you will get active job listing links, along with detailed resources to help you prepare for a career related to that job.
You can use this form two ways:

hidden filler

Filter - As you enter a keyword, you will filter (limit) the list of job titles below

Browse the list (Don't Filter) - You can simply explore the list of job titles. There may be many that you might never have considered to be of interest.

Enter a Keyword (filter the list below)
OR - leave blank and scroll through the choices:

Select a Job Title (Scroll and Select) :

Architectural CAD Drafter (Architectural Computer-Aided Design Drafter)
Architectural Computer-Aided Design Technician (Architectural CAD Technician)
AutoCAD Designer
AutoCAD Designer (Auto Computer-Aided Design Designer)
AutoCAD Drafter
AutoCAD Drafter (Auto Computer-Aided Design Drafter)
AutoCAD Technician
CAD CAM Programmer (Computer-Aided Design Computer-Aided Manufacturing Programmer)
CAD Designer (Computer Aided Design Designer)
CAD Designer (Computer-Aided Design Designer)
CAD Drafter (Computer Aided Design Drafter)
CAD Drafter (Computer-Aided Design Drafter)
CAD Draftsman (Computer-Aided Design Draftsman)
CAD Draughter (Computer Aided Design Draughter)
CAD Operator (Computer Aided Design Operator)
CAD Operator (Computer-Aided Design Operator)
CAD Specialist (Computer Aided Design Specialist)
CAD Technician (Computer Aided Design Technician)
Camera Prototyping Engineer
Civil CAD Designer (Civil Computer-Aided Design Designer)
Computer-Aided Design Designer (CAD Designer)
Computer-Aided Design Drafter (CAD Drafter)
Computer-Aided Design Operator (CAD Operator)
Computer-Aided Design Technician (CAD Tech)
Computer-Aided Design Technician (CAD Technician)
Computer-Aided Drafting Designer (CAD Designer)
Industrial Designer
Product Design Engineer
Product Designer
Prototype Carpenter
Prototype Deicer Assembler
Prototype Engineer Manager
Prototype Fabricator
Prototype Model Maker
Prototype Sewer
Prototype Special Build
Survey CAD Technician (Survey Computer-Aided Design Technician)
UI Product Designer (User Interface Product Designer)
UX Product Designer (User Experience Product Designer)
Welding Prototype Operator

Step 3 of 4: Prepare For a Career

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